Ações e Projetos que beneficiam comunidades carentes
In the Walk for Peace, organized by the Commission to Combat Religious Intolerance, in Rio de Janeiro, FAMBRAS mobilizes Muslims and friends of religion to take to the streets. The idea is to bring together a large group of people to promote peaceful coexistence between religions and demand attitudes from the government in combating crimes motivated by religious prejudice.
São Paulo Office
194 Tejupá Street – Jabaquara
São Paulo – SP – Brazil
Brasília Office
Setor de Grandes Áreas Norte
Asa Norte, Qdr 601 - Edif. Íon - Sl 2058
Brasília - DF – Brazil
Gulf Office
International Humanitarian City
Building n 01- 3rd floor - Office 308
Dubay Industrial City
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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