Ações e Projetos que beneficiam comunidades carentes
One of the ways found by the Federation to help people in refugee or immigration situations in the country was the creation of “And me, where am I? - I Forum on Immigrants and Refugees in Brazil”, an event that discussed the theme in the academic and intellectual world.
The Forum counted on the collaboration of the UNHCR – UN Agency for Refugees -, the NGO IKMR, the Institute of Arab Culture, the City Hall and the Government of São Paulo, in addition to the participation of great personalities who support and work in the cause. About 300 people attended the event at the São Paulo Museum of Art – MASP.
Due to the great success of this union on behalf of refugees and immigrants, the 'And me, where am I?' extended to a social action aimed at the refugee population living in São Paulo.
São Paulo Office
194 Tejupá Street – Jabaquara
São Paulo – SP – Brazil
Brasília Office
Setor de Grandes Áreas Norte
Asa Norte, Qdr 601 - Edif. Íon - Sl 2058
Brasília - DF – Brazil
Gulf Office
International Humanitarian City
Building n 01- 3rd floor - Office 308
Dubay Industrial City
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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