Ações e Projetos que beneficiam comunidades carentes
FAMBRAS, since its foundation, works in an exemplary way to spread the message of peace. As an entity representing Islam in Brazil, a country rich in diversity, the Federation is involved in several actions that value dialogue and union between religions.
With the growth of religious prejudice around the world, popular and institutional manifestations become increasingly necessary to combat intolerance and encourage the spirit of brotherhood. Through meetings and activities alongside representatives of the most diverse religions, it is possible to promote harmony among all.
São Paulo Office
194 Tejupá Street – Jabaquara
São Paulo – SP – Brazil
Brasília Office
Setor de Grandes Áreas Norte
Asa Norte, Qdr 601 - Edif. Íon - Sl 2058
Brasília - DF – Brazil
Gulf Office
International Humanitarian City
Building n 01- 3rd floor - Office 308
Dubay Industrial City
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
All rights reserved | FAMBERS