"Does not really believe he who sleeps full knowing that his neighbor is hungry" - Saying of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS)
In the holy month of Ramadan, FAMBRAS – Federation of Muslim Associations in Brazil – continues with the distribution of food, repeating the action of Ramadan last year, when the country was already facing the pandemic.
Donations are made through mosques, Islamic associations, social entities, in addition to the Citizenship Integration Centers, an agency linked to the Secretariat of Justice and Citizenship of the State of São Paulo. Meals, food baskets and meats benefit people in situations of social vulnerability in several Brazilian states.
The president of FAMBRAS – Federation of Muslim Associations of Brazil and Honorary Consul of Sudan, Mohamed El Zoghbi, received a visit from the charge of business of the Embassy of Sudan in Brasília, Mohammed Elrashed Sidahmed.
The President of the Federation of Muslim Associations of Brazil – FAMBRAS, Dr. Mohamed El Zoghbi, and the Legal Director, Dr. Mohamed Charanek, participated in a meeting at the headquarters of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) in São Paulo.
On April 13th, Ramadan, the holy month for Muslims, began. All practitioners of the Islamic faith must redouble their prayers and charitable practices.
São Paulo Office
194 Tejupá Street – Jabaquara
São Paulo – SP – Brazil
Brasília Office
Setor de Grandes Áreas Norte
Asa Norte, Qdr 601 - Edif. Íon - Sl 2058
Brasília - DF – Brazil
Gulf Office
International Humanitarian City
Building n 01- 3rd floor - Office 308
Dubay Industrial City
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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