Ações e Projetos que beneficiam comunidades carentes
According to the most recent United Nations study, published in 2018, around 5.2 million Brazilians live in a state of malnutrition, which is the inability to obtain enough food to reach the minimum levels of energy necessary for a healthy and active.
Thinking about providing better living conditions for the Brazilian poor, FAMBRAS distributes food baskets. The distribution takes place in partnership with the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian & Charity Foundation and the Dubai Charity Association, and annually benefits around 10,000 families.
São Paulo Office
194 Tejupá Street – Jabaquara
São Paulo – SP – Brazil
Brasília Office
Setor de Grandes Áreas Norte
Asa Norte, Qdr 601 - Edif. Íon - Sl 2058
Brasília - DF – Brazil
Gulf Office
International Humanitarian City
Building n 01- 3rd floor - Office 308
Dubay Industrial City
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
All rights reserved | FAMBERS